
Skill Matters

Towards Industry 5.0

Preparing the workforce for I5.0 with focus on staff progress and well-being

Incavo1Miss Sik Siau Er providing her insights on the challenges to Incavo’s supply chain

Incavo Pte Ltd, headquartered in Singapore, is a leading semiconductor test product design and manufacturing company. Its product range extends from tiny probe pins to test sockets and complete thermal benchtop systems. With sales and technical support offices throughout Asia and America, Incavo’s unique value proposition lies in its ability to support customers wherever they are designing and using Incavo’s products.

Moving beyond Industry 4.0 into the era of Industry 5.0, Incavo aims to leverage digital technologies to futureproof its òòò½Íøoperations in the digital age and sustainability space. With these objectives in mind, Incavo sent ten of its top leadership, including their Executive Director, for upskilling under SIMTech’s Operations Management and Innovation (OMNI) Programme.

The OMNI Journey 
Incavo’s leadership team applied the OMNI methodology to align strategic plans with business goals for various processes. They also uncovered digital transformation and sustainability opportunities across shopfloor, enterprise and supply chain processes.

Am very delighted to know that Incavo can work closely on a long-term partnership with SIMTech, to guide our people closely not just to connect digital transformation with sustainability for Incavo operations, but also to enhance our supply chain resilience as a key driver of I5.0.

Miss Sik Siau Er, Executive Director, Incavo Pte Ltd


For instance, the production line was strategically rearranged in a cellular form with the human-centric goal of reducing operators’ fatigue when transferring parts across locations; consequently, operators engaged in production now walk 16km (30%) less in a year. Furthermore, critical information that was previously logged manually and stored in 25 sets of paper forms on the shopfloor has been fully digitised through the adoption of Digital Workflow Automation. This shift not only improves data accuracy and traceability to facilitate customer queries, but also significantly contributes to Incavo’s environmental efforts over the long term through decreased paper usage.

Another key opportunity Incavo capitalised on is the adoption of the Logistics Tracking and Planning System, which allows for the digital tracking of key inventories in the factory. This has led to a 95% Order-To-Delivery fulfilment performance and more sustainable inventory management practices.

Through SIMTech’s OMNI course, Incavo’s staff have not only significantly expanded their knowledge of operation management but also developed a deeper appreciation of how digital technologies play a huge role in enabling more sustainable models, maximising efficiencies, as well as providing greater transparency and new approaches for repair and re-use. Incavo now anticipates a 150% increase in revenue after the first year of implementing the AI-enabled intelligent integrated solutions to automate and optimise Incavo’s order fulfilment processes.

Moving Ahead
Like many companies worldwide, Incavo had to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic crisis. It also suffered short-term market turbulence, including surges in demand, order cancellations and supply disruptions. To better equip itself for future challenges, Incavo is keen to strengthen its resilience by working with SIMTech on a Multi-Site Inventory Analytics and Planning System through a long-term Research Collaboration Agreement project, to enhance its supply chain resilience and reduce risks.

Incavo Team: Siau Er, Horace, Yong Jiun, Andy, Lynn, Kelly, Simon, Kaiser, Hody, Y N Chan
SIMTech Team: Teo Cheng Leong, Teng Wei Yuen, He Wei, Yan Wen Jing, Chua Tay Jin, Woon K S, Ang M C, Alex Tay, Rick Yeo

To find out more about courses by SIMTech’s Knowledge Transfer Office, visit us at

For more information, please contact:
Ms Connie Ng, Senior Assistant Director
Manufacturing Productivity Technology Centre (MPTC)


Mr Teo Cheng Leong, Lead Research Engineer II
Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS)
