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Nanomaterials have unique structural and physio-chemical properties that can be exploited for various applications. The BioNanoSensors group aims to develop nanomaterial-based optical biosensors to address key analytical challenges in medical diagnosis (e.g. infectious disease, wound healing etc), environmental surveillance (e.g. water and air quality etc), precision aquafarming (e.g. fish disease and fish stress), and food safety. In our R&D, we benchmark to laboratory-based analytical technologies (HPLC, GC, microbial culture, PCR, and ELISA etc) and deliver alternative bioanalytical sensors that are faster, better (in sensitivity and accuracy), smaller, and cheaper. Not only these technologies are needed for early warning of disease and risk conditions, they are also expected to trigger interventions timely. Our team has strong collaboration network with local and overseas academic intuitions. Our team also has rich experience in technology validation and translation through close collaborations with industries. 

Mission and Objectives

Develop next-generation biosensing technologies to address analytical challenges in the following areas:
  • Medical diagnosis (infectious disease, wound care)
  • Environmental monitoring (bacteria, airborne microbial, eDNA, VOCs, etc.)
  • Food safety and aquafarming management (fish disease, stress hormone, etc.)
  • Plant health diagnosis and therapy


Core capabilities include (1) synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials, (2) biofunctionalization, (3) sensing material processing and encapsulation, (4) bioassays and sensor instrumentation.

Nanoparticle Synthesis

Inorganic nanomaterials with turntable optical properties and catalytic properties

Nanoparticle Synthesis


Optical sensing materials are functionalised with affinity ligands (e.g. antibody, aptamers, cell receptors, B cell epitopes, and sugar binding proteins, etc) with controlled orientation and surface coverage

Biofunctionalization and processing

Material processing and encapsulation

With various material processing tools (wax printing, inkjet printing, ink dispenser,  printer cutter etc), optical sensing materials are printed onto paper or encapsulated into hydrogel for portable sensor development
Biofunctionalization and processing2

Paper-fluidic nanosensors for wound care

An AI-enabled paper fluidic sensor patch for holistic wound healing monitoring. Collaboration with NUS and NTU, Sci Adv 2023, etc.
Paper-Fluidic Nanosensors

Rapid Bacteria Sensor

Gold nanoparticle-based ※Filter-and-Stain§ bacterial sensor for water and air quality and fish disease detection. Nanoscale 2023, 15, 16675 每 16686.

Rapid Bacteria Sensor

COVID-19 Diagnostic Sensor

Epitope-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles for Rapid and Selective Detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies, ACS Nano 2021, 15, 12286每12297. This is in collaboration with A*/ID Labs
COVID-19 Diagnostic Sensor

Highlights & Achievements

Paper- and hydrogel-based wound sensors

We have developed a range of colorimetric sensor patches for wound healing monitoring, by interrogating physiological and biochemical markers for inflammation and infection. These sensor patches are thin, flexible, and AI-enabled for easy integration with wound dressings and for improved wound management (Sci. Adv. 2023, 9, eadg6670; ACS AMI 2023, 15, 17675每17687; and Adv Healthcare Mater. 2024, 13, 2302173). 

Battery-free and AI-enabled Multiplexed Sensor Patches for Wound Monitoring

  • ST:
  • Zaobao:
  • NUS News:
  • CNA:  

Metal Nanoparticle based diagnostic sensors

We have developed a range of metal nanoparticle-based sensors for on-site bacteria counting (Nanoscale 2023, 15, 16675 每 16686, see publicity below), for antimicrobial (ACS Nano 2022, 16, 19840每19872; Biosens. Bioelectron. 2023, 224, 115033), and for highly selective detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies (ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 12286每12297.) 

Rapid Vibrio Sensor 

Selected TD/Patents

  1. A Cortisol Sensor using Gold Nanoparticles and Cortisol aptamer
  2. Rapid and Portable Vibrio Sensors for Water and Biological Tissue Analysis
  3. An Automated Bacteria Counting System 每 BacRaptor
  4. Paper fluidic colorimetric sensors for wound healing monitoring
