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Nano Electronic and Thermal Transport

Group PIC
The focus of the group is to understand the mesoscopic transport properties of low-dimensional quantum materials and heterostructure systems in the nanoscopic regime. By understanding the intrinsic properties of electrons and the dynamics of phonons and photons, we can effectively manipulate the electrical, thermal, thermoelectric and excitonic transport of these quantum systems at the atomic scale. This in turn can be transformed and developed into scalable novel technological applications in high-performance electronics, energy harvesting, sensing, and computing devices.


Mesoscopic Transport in low dimensional systems

Mesoscopic Transport in low dimensional systems

  • Electronic transport
  • Thermal/Heat transport
  • Thermoelectric transport
Optoelectronics of hybrid quantum structures

Optoelectronics of hybrid quantum structures

  • Photodetector/tunable on-off photo-switches
  • Excitonic transport in Van der Waals heterostructure 
  • Plasmon dynamics in complex oxide interfaces and hybrid heterostructures

Functionalities and applications of quantum materials

Functionalities and applications of quantum materials

  • Strain engineering
  • Phase engineering
  • Twistronics

Highlights & Achievements

  • Our paper in 2020 was highlighted in A*STAR Research magazine:
    Jing Wu, Yan Peng Liu, Yi Liu, Yongqing Cai, Yunshan Zhao, Hong Kuan Ng et al. “Large Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance in MoS2/h-BN Heterostructure Due to Vacancy-Induced Band Hybridization”, PNAS 117(25) 13929-13936 (2020)
  • Our paper was highlighted as inside cover page in Advanced Materials:
    Fang Yang#, Jing Wu#(), Ady Suwardi, Yunshan Zhao et al. “Gate-tunable Polar Optical Phonon to Piezoelectric Scattering in Few-layer Bi2O2Se for High Performance Thermoelectrics”, Advanced Materials, 33 (4), 2004786 (2021)
  • Our paper was highlighted as inside cover page in Advanced Functional Materials:
    Yunshan Zhao, Peng Yu, Gang Zhang, et al., “Low-symmetry PdSe2 for High Performance Thermoelectric Applications”, Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (52) 2004896 (2020)
