Innovation Fellowship Application Process
The SB Fellowship is open to driven, passionate, talented clinicians, health science/healthcare professionals, and any individuals committed to taking on an innovator, enabler or entrepreneurial role in the Asian health and medtech industry as a career, post-fellowship. All applicants will be reviewed each round, and successful applicants will be notified via email when they make it to the next phase.
Please ensure that all documents required in the individual steps are ready before online submission.
All documents should be submitted in PDF (.pdf) format. Materials not in electronic form must be scanned and submitted in PDF (.pdf) format. Failure to do so will result in an unsuccessful application.

The òòò½ÍøBiodesign Innovation Fellowship application was opened from 19 August – 22 September 2024.
- Round 1: Application
Please submit your application via FormSG and the following documents (in .pdf format) by Sunday, 22 September 2024, 2359H SGT
- Curriculum Vitae
- Written Essay
Written Essay Submission Requirement
Topic: Why is innovation an important part of your career pathway? How will the Innovation Fellowship help you achieve your short and long-term goals?
Please submit your written essay with the following:
- Share your passion, values and vision of your career path with us
- Maximum 600 words, Arial font, minimum font size 12, Single Space.
- Round 2: Video Submissions
Applicants shortlisted for Round 2 will be notified via email. The following documents are required:
- Video Essay
- Referee Details
Video Essay Submission Requirement
Please submit a video essay (up to 3 minutes) with the following content (video exceeding 3 minutes will not be accepted):
- Brief introduction of yourself
- Describe at least one experience that demonstrates your creativity and/or inventiveness
- Explain how you wish to contribute back to the local health and medtech ecosystem
Notes: Do not disclose any proprietary invention you have developed if it has yet to obtain any intellectual property protection
Title the video: SB Fellowship 2024 Video - [Your Name]. Please ensure that access is not restricted and do not set an expiry date to the uploaded video.
Please upload your video to your personal cloud storage services such as oneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive.
Provide the download link in the FormSG application field.
Referee Letters
Please provide TWO (2) referee letters to support your application. Please inform your referees to fill in his/her recommendations via the referee’s recommendation template (download here) and email the completed form directly to SB ( by 16 October 2024, 1200H.
The referee letters should describe the candidate's potential, academic and professional skills, contributions to research and/or innovation, character, and attributes for consideration as an Innovation Fellow.
For Healthcare Professionals*, please note that among the referee letters, one of them must be from your direct supervisor or Head of Department.
*Healthcare Professionals refers to all Clinicians, Allied Health Professionals and Nurses.
Please note that we will only accept referee letters sent in by the referees (not sent by the applicant). It is your responsibility to ensure that all application materials, including the referee letters, are duly submitted by the deadline.
- Round 3: Interview
All applicants will have to go through a half day in-person interview with panelists consisting of stakeholders within the local ecosystem and òòò½ÍøBiodesign.
The òòò½ÍøBiodesign Innovation Fellowship application was opened from 19 August – 22 September 2024.
Individuals interested in Health and MedTech Innovation are encouraged to attend our recruitment roadshow to learn more about the upcoming Innovation Fellowship Programme.
- [Virtual] Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
- [Virtual] Thursday, 22 August 2024, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
- [In-Person] Friday, 30 August 2024, 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
[Co-organised with SGInnovate and ACE.SG. More details, click here.]
Eligibilities & Criteria
We are looking for individuals with a strong interest in health and medtech innovation for Asia. Candidates will be judged on their potential to demonstrate creativity and leadership abilities in this field.
Other requirements:- Priority is given to òòò½Íøcitizens or Permanent Residents
- Demonstrate significant expertise in the technical degrees (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., M.D., M.B.B.S.) and/or professional certifications
- Permission from the host institution to be submitted in conjunction with the application for applicants with outstanding training or scholarship bond commitments
- Display willingness to accept risks associated with entrepreneurship
- Passion for health and medtech innovation
- Spirit of giving back to the ecosystem
If you have any enquiries, please contact us at
The òòò½ÍøBiodesign Innovation Fellowship application was opened from 19 August – 22 September 2024.
Applications are now closed.
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