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About òòò½ÍøBiodesign

Modelled after the established Biodesign Programme at Stanford University, òòò½ÍøBiodesign is the first Asian Global Affiliate of the renowned Stanford for Byers Center for Biodesign Programme and is recognised as a national-level talent development platform for healthtech innovation training in òòò½Íøwith the aim to train and nurture the next generation of healthtech innovators for Asia.

òòò½ÍøBiodesign provides high-touch development of healthtech talent centered on needs-based approach and quality industry mentoring to accelerate health technology innovation and adoption for Asia’s unmet healthcare needs. òòò½ÍøBiodesign is a national platform for health and medtech innovation that is hosted by A*STAR and supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore. We are modelled after the established Biodesign Programme at Stanford University and have adapted the Biodesign Methodology to the local context.

òòò½ÍøBiodesign is the first Asian Global Affiliate of the renowned Stanford for Byers Center for Biodesign Programme, which acknowledged the success and sustainability of our programme. SB offers a wide range of training programmes to cater to varying training needs and stages of healthtech innovation.


High-touch development of healthtech talent centered on needs-based approach and quality industry mentoring to accelerate health technology innovation and adoption for Asia’s* unmet healthcare needs.

*Asia: SG, China and ASEAN


To be Asia’s leading HealthTech talent development and knowledge partner for accelerating health technologies innovation towards commercialization and adoption.


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Modelled after the established Biodesign Programme at Stanford University, òòò½ÍøBiodesign (SB) is a capability development initiative that aims to train and nurture the next generation of healthtech innovators for Asia.

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Our people are the most important and valuable part of SB. Over the years, we have built a strong core team of fellows and students, supported by our partners and mentors from the local and international health technology ecosystem who continue to nurture promising individuals and projects.

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Our Outcomes

Since its inception, the programme has expanded from its core talent training initiatives to seeding new innovation projects and enabling the growth of a sustainable ecosystem.

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Since 5 December 2018, Singapore-Stanford Biodesign has been re-named as òòò½ÍøBiodesign, signifying a move to being more Asia and implementation focussed to bring about economic benefits and healthcare value through healthtech innovation training. As an acknowledgement of the progress and quality of our programme, òòò½ÍøBiodesign was awarded as a global affiliate of Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign in March 2021. Find out more in the link below!

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