SB-Enabled Innovations

SB works with like-minded partners to de-risk projects by leveraging on our mentors, staff, alumni fellows and wider network.


“Practice makes perfect”. During the Innovation Fellowship, the Fellows are additionally placed on externships with like-minded partners for placement of talent into projects to further hone their skills.

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In 2018, SB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC) for the placement of fellows over a 12 week period with NHIC-funded projects. This is a win-win scenario where our fellows get to apply their Biodesign training to live projects, whilst contributing to the project by helping with regional needs validation in select countries and the drafting of a business proposal for follow-on fundraising.

2 1SB with NHIC

For this collaboration, SB does not take any IP or equity in the project but ask that our fellows/trainee be given due recognition for significant contributions to the project.

Interested to partner SB and work with our fellows? Do contact Biodesign Team for more details!


On a competitive basis, SB will also be offering support for up to 2 project teams per year for a 9-12 week project-based mentoring programme.

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Customized 8 – 12 week mentoring to use the Biodesign process for scoping a greenfield project

During this period, SB may render the following support:

  • Project Management by core staff and/or alumni fellows
  • Access to SB mentors and wider international Biodesign community
  • Curation/Validation of need in local and regional countries
  • Early engineering evaluation by in-house product engineer & partner product houses, and access to SB’s Tinkerlab
  • SB met up with Ajit Ravindran and William Yang from Lenexa Medical, a startup from Melborne Biodesign, and linked them up with local clinician community to pilot their clinical studies in Singapore

  • SB provides Biodesign training and mentoring to our corporate members and partners on their chosen need/project

  • 2019 BD Corporate Member Team at our 5-day Biodesign Bootcamp (L-R Mr Zhou Junyu, Senior Engineer, Mr Lim Poh Lye, R&D Director, Dr Jayant Giri, Associate Director, Mr Toh Say Kiong, Senior Engineer)

To qualify for the above pre-acceleration mentoring, project teams should fulfill either one of the following requisites:

  • Be a formal partner or corporate member with SB or have supported SB’s programme activities substantially e.g. clinical immersion partner;
  • Have attended at least a 3-day or 5-day Biodesign Bootcamp; or received training from other international Biodesign entities;
  • Fee-for-service i.e. have adequate funds and a defined deliverable
The Terms & Conditions i.e. IP, equity; for the above collaborations will vary depending on the scope involved. Please contact the SIngapore Biodesign Team to find out more.