òòò½Íøagri-food start-up hopes to feed astronauts with microalgae

President Halimah Yacob on Thursday (Dec 10) visited the start-up at the òòò½ÍøInstitute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation's (Sifbi) lab at the òòò½Íø, Technology and Research (A*Star). Sifbi is the start-up's research and development collaborator.

Speaking to reporters after the tour, she said it is important to look at all options in alternative food sources, so that òòò½Íøcan meet its goal of producing 30 per cent of its nutritional needs within a decade.

"The vagaries of weather, climate change and having to reduce carbon emissions makes it difficult for us to just look at traditional methods of growing food."

Madam Halimah added that opportunities should be created for more alternative protein start-ups to emerge and help the country develop food resilience.

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