Lim Chwee Ming

Chwee Ming LIM

Senior Consultant (Otorhinolaryngology) and Director (Clinical Translational Research)

òòò½ÍøGeneral Hospital

Senior Consultant (Division of Surgery & Surgical Oncology)

National Cancer Centre Singapore


Dr Lim graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, National University of òòò½Íøin 1998. He underwent residency in Otolaryngology in òòò½Íøand was awarded the Gold medal for the MRCS (Edinburgh) General Surgery examination in 2003 and subsequently the Gold medal award by the College of Surgeons for the best performing resident in the exit examination organized by the Specialist Training Committee in Otolaryngology in 2009. In 2010, he was awarded the Ministry of Health Overseas Training award and pursued a 2 year Head and Neck Oncologic Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the United States of America. This fellowship is accredited by the Advanced Training Council of the American Head and Neck Society. During these 2 years, Dr Lim did translational benchwork research in immunotherapy in head and neck cancer, focusing of immunological mechanisms in monoclonal antibody based therapy in cancer and identifying novel immune modifiers in cancer therapy. In his clinical training, he was trained in transoral robotic surgery (TORS), minimally invasive video assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) and minimally invasive approaches in head and neck surgery, in addition to the major head and neck resections. His awards included the Clinical Research Scientist Leadership Award, and Clinician scientist Gold Award. He has won numerous National grants in line with his research interests in robotic surgery, cancer immunology and immunotherapy. He was awarded the Best Cancer Prevention Award by American Head and Neck Society in 2016 for his work in Raman spectroscopy in surveillance of Nasopharyngeal Cancer; and also the Best Cancer team science research project by the New York Science Academy/Japan Medical Research Council in 2017. He is the principle investigator in the clinical trial exploring the use of autologous NK cell therapy with cetuximab in patients with refractory nasopharyngeal cancer. He is also part of the Head and Neck Clinical Trial Planning committee of the National Cancer Institute exploring the use of immunotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Cancer in 2018. He is presently funded by the National Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Award to pursue a career as a surgeon scientist. He has published numerous papers in peer reviewed journals and book chapters; and has several inventions/patents on novel robotic driven medical devices.


  • Cancer Immunology/immunotherapy
  • Robotics surgery
  • Real time tissue analyses using spectroscopy