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The Skills Framework Operations MaNagement Innovation (OMNI) Programme is a joint initiative by the Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), a research institute of the , Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the SkillsFuture (SSG) Agency. The objective is to train key personnel - engineers, managers and senior staff of companies to be technology innovators to achieve manufacturing excellence. This is accomplished by promoting the use of operations management techniques and technologies that support a company’s strategy. This will ensure that operations improvements are both effective (align to company’s strategy) and efficient (achieve productivity gains).

About the WSQ OMNI Programme

The programme offers a proven Operations Management Innovation methodology (OmniMethodology™) based on R&D, proven through highly successful applications in various sectors of the manufacturing industry. It consists of two parts: classroom training and mentorship.

The classroom training focuses on transferring knowledge in operations management and use of this methodology. The mentorship reinforces the classroom learning by applying the said methodology in the student’s company. At this on-site training, the participant will identify operations improvement areas, generate suitable initiatives and develop implementation action plans that are based on productivity improvements, mentored by SIMTech’s trainers.

Uniqueness of the Skills Framework OMNI Programme

As operations management is a continuous improvement process, this programme equips participants with the necessary knowledge and skills, to systematically use the OmniMethodology™ to continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the companies’ operations. This is similar to ensuring that companies can use this methodology to ‘fish’ for a life-time rather than be provided with fish for a day.

Who Should Join

This programme is relevant for:

  • Management officers/directors
  • Supply chain/procurement/logistics managers and senior staff
  • Inventory/warehouse management managers and senior staff
  • Manufacturing/production/engineering managers and senior staff
  • Industrial engineering managers and senior staff
  • Operations management managers and senior staff

What our trainees say


The OMNI programme course content covered everything from operation to process optimisation and supply chain management. The content is engaging and comprehensive. The facilitators are very approachable, knowledgeable and able to give supportive feedback for discussions and questions. I have gained a lot of experience from other learners. Highly recommend (the course) for those looking for deeper understanding, to enhance their skills and to gain confidence in this field of operation management.

Ms Hnin Ko,
Participant from OMNI CU1 Jul 2024 intake


Good structure for the manufacturing and service industry to adopt for company-wide improvement. Especially on Value Stream mapping (VSM), which SIMTech has improved to a digital template. Clear linkage between business objectives and initiatives for all levels to visualize the activities to do and be done.

Mr Ricky Chng,
Participant from OMNI CU1 Jul 2024 intake


The trainers are very professional and knowledgeable. Practical and up-to-date case studies were used and I benefited a lot from attending the training.

Mr Chan Ee Chong,
Participant from OMNI CU1 Jul 2024 intake


A good course for you to have an overview of your company's processes where you are able to identify gaps and opportunities to improve the processes.

Mr Wong Ngai Keen,
Participant from Dec 2023 intake

Our success stories

Find out how these organisations have benefitted from having their employees participate in the OMNI programme.

List of Modules

Module 1: Apply Operations Improvement Fundamentals (40 hours)

About this Course


This unit provides the necessary fundamental knowledge and concepts needed to understand operations management by introducing key concepts in operations improvement and productivity through:

  • Alignment of operations improvement to a company’s strategic intent,
  • Assessment of the performance of operations improvement based on productivity measurements,
  • Methods, tools and technologies that can be used to improve operations improvement, and
  • Application of the Operations Management Innovation methodology (OmniMethodology™) as a systematic approach to operations improvement that are effective and efficient.

On completion of this unit, participants will be ready to embark on an on-site company training mentored by SIMTech’s trainers using the OmniMethodology™. This is the first step towards becoming a technology innovator of a company.

Module Outline

  • Understand the fundamental concept of operations improvement and productivity
  • Understand the important link between business competitive strategy and operations improvement and productivity
  • Understand the approach to measure the performance of operations improvement and productivity
  • Understand the techniques and tools for operations improvement Understand the operations management innovation methodology

Upon Completion of This Course

Upon Completion of this Course

Electronic Statement of Attainment (SOA) certificates (in ) will be issued by SkillsFuture (SSG) to participants who have attended and attained competency in the Skills Framework training modules. 

Participants must also meet the following criteria to receive their SOAs: 

  • Achieve at least 75% course attendance;
  • Take all assessments; and
  • Pass the course.

Note: Trainees will have to bear the full course fee upon failure to meet either one of the criteria.

Sample: Statement of Attainment (SOA) CertificateSSG SOA

Module 2: Improve Operations Actions Using OmniMethodology™ (On-site Mentorship) (40 hours)

About this Course


This unit trains participants to evaluate and identify operations improvement areas and set performance objectives. This is done using the OmniMethodology™ as a systematic approach to operations improvement that is both effective and efficient. This unit leverages on the knowledge learned in “Apply Operations Improvement Fundamentals”. The training will be company-based, with both on-site company sessions and scheduled review sessions. Upon completion of this unit, the participants will be ready to embark on the identification of suitable initiatives that can help the company improve its operations, achieve its competitive strategy and performance targets identified. This is the second step towards becoming a technology innovator of a company.

Module Outline

  • Identify activity landscape Identify operations improvement areas
  • Assess current productivity of operations improvement areas
  • Consolidate business strategy, objectives, improvement areas, and productivity

Upon Completion of This Course

Upon Completion of this Course

Electronic Statement of Attainment (SOA) certificates (in ) will be issued by SkillsFuture (SSG) to participants who have attended and attained competency in the Skills Framework training modules. 

Participants must also meet the following criteria to receive their SOAs: 

  • Achieve at least 75% course attendance;
  • Take all assessments; and
  • Pass the course.

Note: Trainees will have to bear the full course fee upon failure to meet either one of the criteria.

Sample: Statement of Attainment (SOA) CertificateSSG SOA

Pre-Requisites, Full and Nett Course Fees (For each OMNI Module, Module 1 or Module 2)


  • Applicants should possess a degree in any discipline or a diploma with a minimum of 3 years of related working experience.
  • Applicants who do not have the required academic qualifications are still welcome to apply, but shortlisted candidates may be required to attend an interview for special approval.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.

Full Course Fee

The full course fee for each OMNI module is $6,000 before funding and prevailing GST.

Nett Course Fee

Citizens aged 39 years and below, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders
Employer-sponsored and self-sponsored Citizens aged 40 years and above (MCES) ²SME-sponsored local employees (i.e Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders) (ETSS) ¹
All fees are inclusive of GST 9%.
Please note that fees and funding amount are subject to change.


  • The LTVP+ scheme applies to lawful foreign spouses of Citizens with (i) at least one Citizen child or are expecting one from the marriage, or at least three years of marriage, and (ii) where the Citizen sponsor is able to support the family.
  •  All LTVP+ holders can be identified with their green visit pass cards, with the word ‘PLUS’ printed on the back of the card.


  • The ¹ is for company-sponsored participants who are subject to the eligibility criteria shown below:

SMEs that meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Employment size of not more than 200 or with annual sales turnover of not more than $100 million

SME-sponsored Trainees:

  • Must be Citizens or Permanent Residents.
  • Courses have to be fully paid for by the employer.
  • Trainee is not a full-time national serviceman. 

Further Info: This scheme is intended for all organisations, including non-business entities not registered with ACRA e.g. VWOs, societies, etc. Only ministries, statutory boards, and other government agencies are NOT eligible under Enhanced Training Support for SMEs Scheme. Sole proprietorships which meet all of the above criteria are also eligible.


  • The ² is meant for employer-sponsored and self-sponsored Citizens aged 40 years old and above.

SkillsFuture Credit

  • All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above are eligible for  which can be used to offset course fees (for self-sponsored registrations only).
For more information on the SkillsFuture funding schemes you are eligible for, please visit

How course fees are calculated

 International ParticipantsCitizens aged 39 years and below, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ HoldersEmployer-sponsored and self-sponsored Citizens aged 40 years and aboveSME-sponsored local employees (i.e. Citizens, Permanent Residents and LTVP+ Holders) 
 Not applicable for SkillsFuture FundingSkillsFuture Funding (Baseline) SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) ²SkillsFuture Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) ¹
Full Course Fee$6,000$6,000 $6,000 $6,000 
SkillsFuture FundingNot Applicable  ($4,200)($5,400)($5,400)
Nett Course Fee$6,000$1,800$600$600
GST 9%
$540 $162* $162* $162*
Total Nett Course Fee Payable to Training Provider$6,540$1,962$762$762
* Based on 30% of Full Course Fee

Contact Us

  • For technical enquiries, please contact:

Mr MA Bin,
Email: bma@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg

  • For general enquiries, please contact:

Knowledge Transfer Office,
Email: KTO-enquiry@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg


  • Please register for this course through our Course Registration Form for Public Classes.
  • For the first question, please select "Modular Programmes".
  • Applicants will be placed on our waiting list if the course does not have an upcoming scheduled intake.
  • Once the next intake is confirmed to commence, SIMTech will contact the applicants to share the class information.



OMNI Module 1:
Skills Course Reference NumberNext Intake(s)'s Training Period
(Click on the dates to view its schedules)
Registration Status
  • Apply Operations Improvement Fundamentals (40 hours)
OMNI Module 2:
Skills Course Reference NumberNext Intake(s)'s Training Period
(Click on the dates to view its schedules)
Registration Status
  • Improve Operations Action Plan Using OmniMethodology™ (40 hours)
TGS-2018502727The next intake's schedule is still in the planning stage.

Participating companies are encouraged to register a minimum of 2 participants for each OMNI intake/batch to optimise the learning outcomes during class discussions.

Note: SIMTech and ARTC reserve the right to change the class/schedule/course fee or any details about the course without prior notice to the participants.


  • From 1 Oct 2023, attendance-taking for SkillsFuture (SSG)'s funded courses must be done digitally via the Singpass App. More information may be viewed here.
FD: Full day
AM: Morning
PM: Afternoon
EVE: Evening