The GIS has a research environment that is highly conducive for training the next generation of scientists working in genomic sciences. We welcome students at various levels to participate in exciting, modern biological research alongside our scientific staff. We host students at various stages of their development from university and polytechnic students to PhD students enrolled in local or foreign universities.


The GIS welcomes PhD students who are eager to apply modern genomic technologies to problems that lie at the intersection of basic biology and its applications to medicine. The collaborative research environment at GIS is conducive to the training of modern biologists, who increasingly require access to technologies and expertise that lie beyond the realm of a single laboratory. We have been able to provide an excellent training ground for many a young scientist who have gone on to contribute to the larger biomedical landscape. Students enter GIS through scholarships awarded by the A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA). For a list of scholarships, click here.

A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (AGS)

Singaporeans can apply to the A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (Singapore) programme with enrollment in the graduate program of either the National University of (NUS) & Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

International Graduate Award (SINGA)

Under the SINGA, international students can receive their PhD training at the GIS. Students will be enrolled in NUS or NTU. For more information, click here.

A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP)

The ARAP is a collaboration between A*STAR and partner universities to provide shared research opportunities. Under this programme, PhD students enrolled in overseas universities will spend one to two years at GIS under the joint supervision of staff of GIS and the overseas university. For more information, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Office of Academic Affairs
Genome Institute of Singapore
Genome, 60 Biopolis Street, #02-01


GIS welcomes research attachments for computer science, engineering and biological science undergraduates from local and overseas universities as well as local polytechnics. In order to have a meaningful research experience, we encourage an attachment duration of at least 12 weeks fulltime (or the equivalent in a part-time attachment). Experience at the GIS has led to several of our attachment students moving on into graduate programmes.

If you are an International student consider applying for the International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) to support your research attachment. For information on the SIPGA, click here. Do give about 5-6 months for the application and paperwork to be completed in order to start during your desired time window.

Overseas Singaporeans may consider the Research Attachment for Overseas Singaporeans (RAOS) to support their research attachment. For information on RAOS, click here.

How to Apply:
Students interested in working with GIS are encouraged to, write directly to GIS scientists to ask if they can be an attachment student in their lab or work through your university/polytechnic attachment programmes. If they are applying for a scholarship (SIPGA, RAOS) GIS will assist in the submission of the applications. The instructions on the application are found on the A*GA website (SIPGA, RAOS).

If you have any questions, please contact:
Office of Academic Affairs
Genome Institute of Singapore
Genome, 60 Biopolis Street, #02-01