The Research Administration division of the GIS is the institute’s supporting arm. Not unlike the oil that lubricates the engine, the main function of this division is to ensure the smooth-running of the scientific research activities of the institute.
Office of Corporate Communications
The OCC is responsible for communicating, protecting and maintaining the institute’s corporate image, identity and branding which is crucial to the relationship-building process with our international scientific colleagues, collaborators, governments, employees, suppliers and contractors, and the general public. To this end, the OCC manages and executes the external and internal communication channels that flow through the institute, such as the corporate website, intranet, corporate brochure and other corporate paraphernalia. As the GIS logo is our most valuable visual asset and brand identity, we oversee its proper use and deployment.
The OCC manages and maintains good relations with the media. We write and publish press releases, and handle media conferences and media interviews to garner record positive media mentions. We organise, manage and handle all of the institute’s corporate and ministerial visitors, both local and overseas.
The OCC manages and maintains good relations with the media. We write and publish press releases, and handle media conferences and media interviews to garner record positive media mentions. We organise, manage and handle all of the institute’s corporate and ministerial visitors, both local and overseas.
Office of Finance
The OF aims to provide value-added and quality financial/accounting services to support GIS in its bid to foster world-class scientific research and development.
Some of the activities handled by OF are:
Some of the activities handled by OF are:
- Provision of timely and accurate monthly financial reporting
- Monitoring of the availability of funds (funds management)
- Monitoring of cash flow
- Management of treasury function
- Preparation of yearly financial budgets
- Preparation of project management reports and maintenance of the project system in the SAP (Systems Applications and Products)
- Processing of timely payments to vendors and staff
- Management of fixed assets
Office of Grant Management
The Office of Grant Management (OGM) provides pre- and post-award administrative support for competitive research grants received from both local and overseas funding agencies. The office is responsible for liaising with major funding agencies on funding opportunities, grant procedures and guidelines, and working closely with principal investigators to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and smooth execution of funded projects at every stage of the grant lifecycle. OGM also facilitates numerous multi-institutional collaborations in various areas such as budget planning and disbursement of fund, consolidation of application package and reports, and establishing research collaboration agreements. Together with the scientists, we strive to strengthen GIS’ capacity in securing financial resources to grow and maintain our research efforts, and to pursue more ground-breaking and impactful research.
Office of Human Resources
The OHR is responsible for recruitment, staff remuneration and benefits, organisation development, training and coaching, performance management, policy management, and employee relations.
Advocating for both the institute as well as for our staff members, we work in close tandem with the human resources of A*STAR and with our scientific foci and non-scientific offices to achieve a job-match for all staff, in order that each individual may be incorporated well into the fabric of the GIS outfit and contribute effectively towards the overall success of the institute.
Advocating for both the institute as well as for our staff members, we work in close tandem with the human resources of A*STAR and with our scientific foci and non-scientific offices to achieve a job-match for all staff, in order that each individual may be incorporated well into the fabric of the GIS outfit and contribute effectively towards the overall success of the institute.
Office of Procurement
The OP is responsible for all purchasing matters and is the central archival of purchasing-related contract documents. Specifically, we handle the raising of purchase orders, and tenders for big ticket items, through the Systems Applications and Products (SAP) system to external venders. We also support web orders to the A*STAR Biopolis Shared Facility (BSF) Supply Centre. Our purchasing workflow strictly adheres to the A*Star Financial Policies & Procedures (FPP).
Office of Research IT
The Office of Research IT is responsible for the infrastructure, network and hardware that are required for GIS to operate as a world-class research institute. Our activities range from end-user computing (hardware deployment, installation, troubleshooting) to connectivity (wired, wireless, server access) and managing large-scale computing environments (high-performance clusters, storage drives, data centre). We support resources that are used for scientific analysis in national programmes and large scale international collaborations.
Office of Research Planning & Management
The ORPM plans, organises and manages the institute’s corporate events such as international scientific conferences and symposiums. It also provides resources and support to maintain a scientific library as well as e-journal subscriptions for research references. The ORPM evaluates and awards external sponsorship requests.
The ORPM promotes and maintains a conducive work environment for all members of the GIS family. This includes sourcing for and maintaining the landscaping and artwork within the premises of the institute. We also provide reception and administrative support, and maintain the boardroom and meeting rooms, refreshment requirements, and pantry and stationery supplies. We source for suitable accommodation and flight requirements for the institute’s international visitors.
The ORPM promotes and maintains a conducive work environment for all members of the GIS family. This includes sourcing for and maintaining the landscaping and artwork within the premises of the institute. We also provide reception and administrative support, and maintain the boardroom and meeting rooms, refreshment requirements, and pantry and stationery supplies. We source for suitable accommodation and flight requirements for the institute’s international visitors.
Office of Strategy & Operations
We conceptualise and propose interdisciplinary research projects/programmes to support national initiatives and work with council and research office on cross RI projects. We also manage our early career talent development in identifying, developing, and retaining high-performing staff and tracking the scientific excellence of the researchers including publication and awards.
Aim to facilitate the development of the early career researchers (ECRs) at various stages of their scientific career, we organise mentorship programme and series of scientific & non-scientific seminar series and training to provide proper guidance in helping with their career development.
As part of Operations management, we aim to provide a safe and conducive environment to our researchers to conduct their work. We also work closely with critical corporate and scientific units to understand their processes, identify potential risks, and provide solutions to manage and mitigate those risks through robust business continuity plans. Managing the laboratory and office space within GIS and monitor utilisation, maintenance and tracking of equipment assets to optimal our resource management.
We also work closely with critical corporate and scientific units to understand their processes, identify potential risks, and provide solutions to manage and mitigate those risks through robust business continuity plans. Our goal is to ensure that GIS has the ability to effectively and efficiently respond during a crisis.
Tech – Biz Development
GIS applies our state-of-the-art genome technologies to develop novel diagnostics and pioneering medicines. In this context, the OSA provides a pathway for managing academic/business-related matters and business operations, to ensure strategic alignment with our partners.
We serve as a dynamic bridge between the GIS laboratories, academic partners and industry to make certain that promising new technologies and findings are translated into successful products and services that benefit society, both in òòò½Íøand worldwide. This is achieved by:
building research collaborations with industry around our research projects;
fostering collaborations with clinicians and researchers;
stimulating technology development and innovation within the GIS and securing all necessary protection of the resulting intellectual property;
licensing agreements, establishing new ventures and building value around GIS innovations; and
reaching out to external funding bodies both in òòò½Íøand overseas.
We oversee and manage our flagship programmes in diagnostics for pathogens and cancer, cancer treatment and in personalised genomic medicine, and also continue to evaluate and search for promising opportunities arising from scientific projects within the GIS or with academic, industrial, biotechnology and pharmaceutical partners.
Alex TAN Zhenpeng
Deputy Director
Alex TAN Zhenpeng
Deputy Director
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.