Name of software BANKSY(Building Aggregates with a Neighborhood Kernel and Spatial Yardstick) 
Name of Contact Vipul Singhal, Nigel Chou, Shyam Prabhakar, Kok Hao Chen
Email of technical contact
Summary of software function

BANKSY is a spatial omics clustering algorithm that unifies spatial cell type clustering and domain segmentation into a single scalable framework. It does this by utilizing the spatial microenvironment to augment the transcriptomes of cells, allowing for the discovery of niche-dependent cell subtypes, more accurate clustering, and the identification of zones of coherent gene expression.

The tool BANKSY is freely available for academic purposes. Commercial usage requires a license.

The package is available in R and in Python. R or Python installation on laptop or moderately sized computer is possible.

Publications describing software & its application

BANKSY: A Spatial Omics Algorithm that Unifies Cell Type Clustering and Tissue Domain Segmentation Vipul Singhal, Nigel Chou, Joseph Lee, Jinyue Liu, Wan Kee Chock, Li Lin, Yun-Ching Chang, Erica Teo, Hwee Kuan Lee, Kok Hao Chen, Shyam Prabhakar bioRxiv 2022.04.14.488259; doi: